PR Friendly/Submit a Product for Review

About me & My Family:

I'm a SAHM who hosts occasional product reviews & giveaways during nap time & night time. My family believes in natural & positive parenting, breastfeeding & co-sleeping, cloth diapering & baby wearing. We are eco-aware. We would very much enjoy reviewing & hosting giveaways on products that pertain to the interests listed above. We have an infant son, so boy/gender neutral is preferred please. We are also interested in educational books, toys & music, as well as household items. Giveaways are not mandatory. I will review a product without a giveaway. A giveaway is recommended, as it generates much more web traffic. If you have a product that you would like me & my family to review, you may contact me at sonshineblog {at} hotmail {dot} com. Please let me know if you would like to participate in a review, or a review & giveaway.

Review & Giveaway Guidelines:

  1. I will require a full sized sample in order to write an accurate review of your product.
  2. This sample I receive to review will not be returned.
  3. If you want to participate in a giveaway, the product I receive to review will not be the giveaway prize, a separate prize must be produced & shipped directly to the winner.
  4. If offering a promotional code, or gift certificate it must be enough to purchase (with shipping included) at least 1 item from your company.
  5. Reviews will be posted within 30 days of receiving product.
  6. All reviews & giveaways will be posted in the order product was received.